Annual Meetings

The Board of Directors conduct an annual meeting, along with the annual elections for board members. Electionbuddy is used for the voting. The meetings are held via Zoom and all homeowners are encouraged to attend.  The meeting information is posted here and emailed to all homeowners who have provided an email.   In addition, a display board showing the meeting date is placed at the corner of 144 Place and 58 Terrace at least 14 days before. The Zoom meeting information and link is also posted here 60 days before the meeting.

If you are interested in running for the Board, please send us an email by October 30, 2024 in order to be placed on the ballot at

The 2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 6:00 PM.

Zoom link:

Please register your email with us here if you haven’t done so already.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors conduct meetings throughout the year.  The date and Zoom link is posted here.

The next Board Meeting is set for
To Be Determined